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Latitude & Longitude
LocationLatitude (degress.min.sec)Longitude (Degrees.Min.Sec)
Prudhoe Bay70.19.32.0016-
Arctic Circle66.33.44NA
Circle, Ak65.49.32.0016-

Highway System

HIGHWAYS Alaska has just two highways that travel north and south.
DOT Maintenance Stations Parks Hwy (Alaska 3) Seward to Anchorage to Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay using Parks Hwy - 996 miles Glenn Hwy (Alaska 1) Seward to Anchorage to Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay using Glen Hwy – 1,066 miles
Anchorage to Fairbanks using Parks Hwy - 362 miles
Anchorage to Fairbanks using Glen Hwy - 432 miles with cut offs at:
Delta Junction, mile-marker 1422 on Alaska Hwy - 201 miles from Canadian border
Glenallen, mile-marker 187 - 120 miles to Valdez
Dalton Hwy (Alaska 11 - Haul Road) Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay – using Dalton Hwy - 512 miles Haul Road Statistics Attigan Pass - 244 miles, elevation 4,800 with 12 percent grade
Gobblers Knob – 8 to 10 percent grade
Beaver Slide – 10 percent grade
Chandalar Shelf – 10 to 12 percent grade
Ice Cut – 10 percent grade Driving Time For Commercial Trucks (Fairbanks > Prudhoe Bay) Winter - 12 hours
Summer – 12 to 15 hours Typical Gear And Procedures For Trucks Traveling The Haul Road In Winter Heated side mirrors and fuel tanks
Double locking differentials for maximum traction
Synthetic motor oil typically mixed by the truckers themselves
Use panty hose or t-shirts as covers for external filtration filters over air intakes to keep heavy blowing snow from clogging the filter and shutting down the engine
Canvas covers called water fronts over radiators
Sleeper cabs to accommodate the required 12 breaks
Anti-freeze for 30 to 40 degrees below Fahrenheit
Haul Road trucks have a longer wheel base of 300 inches
Trucks are never turned off when the temperature is 0 or lower
To save fuel some truckers are buying generators to heat sleeping cabs during required 12-hour down time if temperatures are 0 or above
Truckers chain only when necessary in winter using triple rail tire chains with 7mm (.275 inches) inch studs
Chain two tires at a time with center rail between chains